Sunday, 2 February 2014

Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed

Not very high quality, but at least something. :D

Yellow - Mentak
Blue - Jol'Nar
Black - L1z1x
Green - Sardak N'orr
Red - Brotherhood of Yin
Orange - Yssaril Tribes
Grey - Xxcha Kingdoms
Purple - The Naalu Colective

Winner - Sardak N'orr with Public Objective - control space in 2 HS with at least 4 non-fighter ships.
One of the closest games so far
Jol'Nar would win, but Sardak N'orr had higher strategy card for claiming objectives.
Xxcha would win next round with taking Bureucracy.

In my opinion 5/8 people had real chance at winning 2-3 rounds before ending.

Notable things -
Yssaril Tribes sent all their fleet mid game to empty sector. It had supernova event. First time seeing something like that... :)
Sardak N'orr had slow start, but once acquired flagship - teared the universe a new....

1 comment:

  1. Victory pint was gained probing Space domain counters. Also cool.
