Friday, 15 February 2019

Twin Shadows Finale

Since, the last sessions was over a year ago...

Story so far,

First mission: Hunted Down

Hunted Down map

Mission briefing

After losing contact with Han Solo, you began
scanning desperately, looking for any sign of the
smuggler. The one clue you found was in Imperial
channels: a landlock on Solos ship. You followed the
leads further, eventually establishing contact with Solo.
Now you've finally reached a rendezvous in a dingy
cantina in Mos Eisley, where he lays out a plan to
retrieve Imperial docking codes and escape.

"They should be closing down soon. Chewie tells me
one of the guys who runs this place is a friendly and
hes got the codes I need to get that Imperial landlock
taken off the Falcon. We get it, we get out. I don't want
to stick around this place any longer than I need to”
The Imperials have different plans, however. Before
you have the chance to execute this simple strategy, a
large squad of troops bursts into the cantina from both
sides, causing patrons to duck and run for the door. It
seems you'll have to go with the less subtle approach.

During the mission

You hear the explosive roar of a jetpack as a bounty
hunter bursts into view. The intimidating Boba Fett has
joined the battle. Whether he was hired by the Imperials
or came simply to collect Hans bounty you re not sure,
but you know that whatever the reason, his presence is
a very unwelcome complication.

Mission end

Amidst a barrage of fire from the surrounding
stormtroopers, you hastily upload the stolen docking
codes into the terminal. You run forward with Han
and provide covering fire as he jumps into the Falcon
and blasts off the desolate planets surface. Not long
after, he reaches you on your comlink.

"Good to be out of that slime pit. Thanks for all your
help. Let me know if I can ever return the favor”

"Thanks again for your help back there, you hear
Solo say through your comlink. "Listen, with all that
heat I had to get out faster than I liked, and I left a
couple droids at a makeshift base. I'll send you the
coordinates. Maybe they can be useful; they've been
investigating the Imperial presence on the planet. I
should be touching back down farther away from Mos
Eisley soon. Let me know if you need any help and I
should be able to sneak my way back in”

You reach the coordinates on the outskirts of Mos Eisley.
The base isn't much, but it has a couple computers and
a bed. There is also a small, blue astromech that you
recognize as the droid who flew with Luke Skywalker,
R2-D2. As soon as you enter, he starts rocking back and
forth excitedly and beeping and whirring. You can't
understand him, but soon he shows you a hologram.
The recording shows a small Imperial outpost in the
back alleys of Mos Eisley and a gold protocol droid
being blasted down by a stromtrooper. The R2 unit
beeps and rocks even more excitedly as the recording
finishes. It seems clear what your next destination is.

Second Mission: Past Life Enemies

Past Life Enemies map

Mission briefing

You press forward into the back alleys of Mos Eisley.
You try to stay alert since there are so many things to
keep your eyes open for: the Imperial post, its guards,
and C-3PO.

As you storm toward the hidden compound, you see
the protocol droids limp form on the ground amidst
a mass of trooper guards. You press forward into the
fray desperate to get through into the base, hoping it
will hold answers about the local Imperial presence.

During the mission

"Oh my! Whats happened?” The protocol droid
staggers, but quickly comes to his senses. "Thank
goodness you're here! The commander is just inside;
I have translated the passcodes if you need them. We
must hurry before more of them arrive!”

"You!” Biv shouts and points at a well-decorated and
battle-scarred stormtrooper. The vile Kayn Somos
stands before you: the only stormtrooper Biv has ever
failed to kill.

Mission end

The Imperial forces are too overwhelming. The
stormtroopers and their powerful commander bear
down on you, and you are forced to retreat.

Forced to retreat, you pick up the deactivated body of
C-3PO and run from the battle. You return to your
small base, but too late: the Imperials are already there
and you can only hide as they dismantle your refuge.
As they begin to move out, your pilot comes in on
your comlink: "I know were working blind, but take
the droids and follow those troopers. ! just found out
why we lost contact in the first place. A Star Destroyer
in orbit over the planet is blocking all Rebel comm
signals. I don't know what else its up to, but Id rather
we found out ourselves before it happens!”

You follow his suggestion and sneak after the troopers.
Much to your dismay, they seem to be moving toward a
base in the unforgiving Jundland Wastes.

Third mission: Canyon Run

Canyon Run map

Mission briefing

The rock is unyielding under your feet and the heat
from Tatooine's twin suns is unbearable as you make
your climb through the Jundland Wastes. C-3PO
mimics your sentiments in a woeful voice: "This is no
place for civilized people. We will surely perish out here.”
His counterpart, R2-D2, beeps at him and rolls ahead.
You are forced to ignore your discomfort as a blaster
bolt zooms by you, fired by the stormtroopers you now
see posted ahead. As you move to engage them, you
notice a band of Tuskens above you, getting in place to
shoot down the canyon as you make the long climb.

During the mission

As you approach the base, a stormtrooper commander
strides out, shouting to his troops: "Fight harder, fools!
We cannot let this Rebel slime undo all we've done!”

Mission end

The climbing and battle has pushed you to the edge
of your endurance, and you simply have to surrender
and turn back. You hope that this bases purpose is for
one of the Empires less pernicious operations.

"You sure know how to get yourselves into sticky
situations, dont you?” Your pilots snide comments
come in on your comlink as he executes a daring
extraction to pull you out of the line of fire.

"So still no more info, then? Well, all Ive been able to
uncover is that, based on some of its readings, that
Star Destroyer will be flying to Sullust soon. I dont
know for sure, but I think they may be after Luke.
That was the location of his latest mission. They must
have been doing recon here”

Knowing you may have little time to save the
Rebellions hero, you quickly concoct a scheme to stow
aboard an Imperial shuttle and sneak your way onto
the Star Destroyer. You re not sure what you'll be able
to do once on board, but you hope an opportunity will
present itself.

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